Monday, January 16, 2012


Cleetus is here to remind you that I have a new website and design over at  Go check it out!  A section on photography as well.


Mauricio Abril said...

Cool piece and site as well. Found your blog recently and it's really inspiring to get me to just sketch more, but there's never enough time! cheers!

Thiago Krening said...

Cool, really liked the new site!

Kendra Melton said...

Oh man! hahaha. So good - and fun. It makes me laugh, always a good thing.

Brett Bean said...

@Mauricio, thank you very much. you are right never enough time. Constant vigilance!

@Thiago, thanks

@Kendra, thanks. Yeah it was a huge departure from the model being blade...and black but him holding that shotgun just needed something different. ;)