- You can find my daily warmups through twitter or instagram. In both programs, look for 2dbean. You can find links to the right on this blog. I also eventually put them on tumblr.
- Time wise these are between 5-20 minutes dependent on the design and intricacies............... and caffeination levels.
- Materials used are Copic sketch markers, Prismacolor markers, micron pen .005 for the under drawing and a brush pen for the thick lines. (Zebra or Kuretake brush pen.) A white gel pen and a white pencil for the highlights. A brown paper wired earthbound cachet sketchpad. All pens I get are available at www.jetpens.com
- As for how "accurate" I am regarding design vs. observation. I tend to only have between 10 seconds and 1 minute to observe and remember my subjects so I definitely choose to draw adjectives and not nouns. Sharp, soft, bubbly and not the eyes go here or the nose ends like this. After my design sense remembers why I looked at them in the first place, I remember basic colors and style of clothing they have on.
- People do notice and rarely are mad, they enjoy it and quite a few patrons recognize others in the shop. Most people are pleasant and happy...even in LA.
- I generally try to sit and sketch for an hour to warm up and get my day going. Usually up and out the door by 8 AM and taking advantage of the weather I sit outside for all this.
hi mr brett..you go out at 8..n what time you going to sleep?.. :)
around midnight. ;) I need my beauty sleep.
thats great!!..thanks for your respons.:)
I really like your warmups and I like all the information you give about them. That is such a great habit to have and I'm very inspired.
Great sketches. I love drawing regular people. They make such great characters. These are gorgeous.
Looks like you are drawing with Marcelo quite a bit, borrowing some of that mojo. Fun stuff!!
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