Monday, September 17, 2012

Comikaze Convention 2012 update

 Setting up the booth space
 the artist, partner, best friend, and wife
 that other guy
 Julie's jewelry with my designs
 Julies art on display
 Seth Green came by, bought Julie's fine art and a piece of mine.
 Face off was filming a challenge and I thought the artist who did this was awesome.  good luck to you!  I don't have cable so I have no idea what the show is really about or who's in it.
 People watching
All in all, it was a good show for us.  It was fun seeing some good friends like Victoria Ying, Mike Yamada, Laurie B, Jason Pruett, Camille d'Ennrico,  Mike McKone, and DavidColman.  (If you haven't heard of these great artists, do yourself the favor and check em out)  Made some new friends, got some good feedback on the books and future projects, so a success all in all.  Thanks everyone for the continued support over the years letting us two artists keep creating and making.  We really appreciate it, truly.  I have a store at and we will be sending out a link to both our etsy stores when we are up and running in case you missed the show.  We will be at Ape Con in a short few weeks....time to get crackin'. 



Gillibean said...

Wow, looks like it was a lot of fun! you got a real professional set up there, you can tell your a convention pro!

I like Seth Green's sunglasses disguise too!

Unknown said...

You guys are an awesome team who make beautiful stuff both individually and together!