Thursday, January 17, 2013

Evolution of a page

So after I jot down a few notes in my handy dandy notebook this is how I make a comic book page.  Photoshop for the thumbnails and thoughts.  Manga studio for the lines then back to Photoshop for colors and wording.  That's how I'm building this up.  Page 45 of a planned 85 pages for this story.

On another note, and of course if you are still reading this, I want to make some online videos and tutorials this year.  I of course do not have software to edit so I am adding a donate button to any of you online folks who want to contribute.  All the contributions will go towards software and upkeep for tutorials.  I plan on doing some traditional ones and digital.  So here's the button.
This is my way of trying to keep it all free for the art community.
 If you have the means and the desire, click away.
If not, no worries, I still heart you

Either way, the tutorials will happen, this is just a way to hopefully get it all done faster.
Here's to an awesome 2013!


1 comment:

Clare B said...

Thankss great blog post